A fatal error is rarely related to the test setup. It can possibly happen if the instrument is connected to a setup that damages the SMU, but nothing of your description indicates a hazardous setup.
A few thoughts on your description though:
- The instrument is expected to show fluctuating voltage/current readings on the Home screen on startup. By default, the 2450 starts up into the Normal Output off state in Source V/Measure I mode. This sets the instrument to source 0V, and it reads V and I continuously. The instrument will go a low range with autorange and read/display noise.
- In general, connect your entire setup before turning the output on, I'm not sure if you did that based on your description.
- When performing a test like you described, where you're sourcing a voltage and not sure if you will see current, the current limit is very important. The current limit setting is in the bottom right of the Home screen, the default is 105mA. If current does appear across your sample, and it tries to increase beyond the current limit setting, the SMU will stop being a voltage source and instead become a current source; similar to how power supplies operate when they reach their max current setting. Decide the maximum amount of current/power you'd be comfortable going through your sample and set the current limit appropriately.