• RE: Reading and printing DMM buffer using Python 3.11.3

    Thanks for your help. However, I received an error when running this code. It seems the code requires a trigger setup before calling&#160;<span style="background-color:rgb(245, 245, 245);font-family:Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, &quot;Courier New&quot;, monospace;font-size:13px;">dmm.write(':INIT')</span> <p><br> How can I access parameters from&#160;the &quot;VoltDigBuffer?&quot; I'm interested to create&#160;time and voltage variables with a list of all&#160;relative time and voltage measurements in the&#160;buffer. However, I also don't receive the same output after running the same Python script. It seems I'm having an issue accessing or clearing information from the buffer.&#160;</p>
  • Reading and printing DMM buffer using Python 3.11.3

    I'm following an example from the DMM7510 programming manual (pg 11-12). However, I receive different values when printing the created buffer (&quot;voltDigBuffer&quot;) to my laptop terminal. I'm interested to print voltage measurements and later store each list of measurements within the buffer to variables. After running the attached Python script below, I receive the following output:<br> <br> +00.056 V,04/06/2023,5.609468E-02<br> <br> After running the program again, receiving the following output:&#160;&#160;<br> <br> 5.590122E-02,5.619142E-02,5.599795E-02,5.590122E-02,5.609468E-02,5.609468E-02<br> <br> Is a delay or another parameter required to only print the six values in the print statement?&#160; <pre>print(dmm.query(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, &quot;voltDigBuffer&quot;'))</pre> <br> My code below: <pre>import pyvisa as visa rm = visa.ResourceManager('@py') #print(rm.list_resources()) address1 = &quot;TCPIP0::; dmm = rm.open_resource(address1) dmm.write('*RST') dmm.write(':TRACe:MAKE &quot;voltDigBuffer&quot;, 10000') dmm.write(':DIG:FUNC &quot;VOLTage&quot;') dmm.write(':SENS:DIG:COUN 100') dmm.write(':READ:DIG? &quot;voltDigBuffer&quot;, FORM, DATE, READ') dmm.write(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, &quot;voltDigBuffer&quot;') print(dmm.query(':TRAC:DATA? 95, 100, &quot;voltDigBuffer&quot;')) dmm.close() rm.close() </pre> <br> &#160;