RE: 4200 video output failure
Hello,<br> The outputs of the switching matrix (<a href="http://clariusweb/LearningCenter/#showid/69604" tabindex=4>4200A-CVIV Multi-Switch</a>) are always open. When I open KCON and i validate the configuration i receive the following messages :<br> "The preamp in slot 1 is past its calibration due date"<br> "The SMU in slot 1 is past its calibration due date"<br> .<br> .<br> .<br> I receive this message for all the SMUs, CVUs and PMUs.<br> And, when i run self testing for SMU, CVU and PMU, the test finished seccussfully, but it is not the same case for the self testing for Keithley 4200A CVIV.<br> Can you suggest me a solution pelase?<br> Ayoub<br> <br> <br>