• RE: MSO58 curve query on REF waveforms

    Afonso, thanks for confirming. 

    It would be nice to also have a command that returned the number of bytes per sample of the selected data source. With that downloading code could be written that setup the transfer correctly regardless of the source or acq mode used.

    I would have though that querying WFMO:BYT_N would give me this info, but it appears the response doesn't change based on the DATA:SOUR.

  • MSO58 curve query on REF waveforms

    I'm trying to transfer a REF waveform from the scope to the PC using binary format and the CURVE query.
    Is there a SCPI cmd I can use to query the REF to find out the number of bytes per sample so I can setup the transfer?

    This is an issue because if the REF came from a MATH it will be 32-bit floating point, if it came from a channel acquistion, 
    it will be1 byte or 2 byte signed integer, depending on the acquistion mode.

    Also, I was expecting that the answer returned by DATA:ENC would change based on the source selected with DATA:SOURce.
    This is the case for CH1 ('SRIBINARY') vs MATH1 ('SFPBINARY'). 
    Shouldn't this also occur for REF waveforms from a CH vs from a MATH?

    It appears that if the source is a REF, the value returned by DATA:ENC corresponds to the previous rather than the present setting of SOURce. This looks like a bug. Oscope FW is 1.34.8.
  • RE: MSO58 export measurement plot image

    Hi Afonso,

    Thanks for fixing the formatting and for your response.
    Hopefully, the ability to save a plot image will be added at some point. I see the scope GUI does provide the capability, see the screen shot in the attached file. it would be great to have the ability to do this programmatically as was possible in DPOJET.

  • MSO58 export measurement plot image

    Sorry about the multiple edits to this post - I'm having some trouble getting this to render as text without showing the markup tags.
    Does MSO58 have a SCPI command for exporting an image of a measurement plot to the PC?
    For example, a png file. With DPOJET on the 5000/7000 series, plot images could be exported using the command DPOJET:EXPORT {PLOT1-PLOT4, <file string>}
    On MSO58, there is the command SAVe:IMAGe:VIEWTYpe {FULLScreen} but that doesn't support selecting a particular plot, only FULLScreen.
    Any plans to support selecting and exporting a particular plot?