• MSO54 .NET FormattedIO on math channels

    Imports Ivi.Visa
    ...some code...
    mb.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DATA:SOUR CH1")
    mb.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DAT:ENC RIB")
    mb.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DATA:WIDTH 2")
    Dim rawData As Short() = mb.FormattedIO.ReadLineBinaryBlockOfInt16()

    runs fine, but

    mb.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DATA:SOUR MATH1")
    mb.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DAT:ENC SFP")
    mb.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DATA:WIDTH 8")
    Dim rawData = mb.FormattedIO.ReadLineBinaryBlockOfdouble()

    gives me a list of very small numbers (3.14299860601909E-319).
    I took the SCPI commands from the trace of TekScope Utility.

    The TekScope Utility gets the right values, what am I doing wrong?
    How does TekScope do this?

  • MSO54 Show/list active channels

    In former times (with older scopes) I got for the SELECT? all active channels<1 to 4> and maths<1 to 4>. Now its DISPLAY:GLOBAL:CHN<x>:STATE? which returns the status for the chns but not for DISPLAY:GLOBAL:MATH<x>:STATE? which gives me a timeout after some seconds for inactive math. Why not simply get "0" ?. I don't want to handle timeouts!
    There is also a compatibility mode to support SELECT? commands, but does not give any math channels back.
    What is the Tektronix way to get the list of active channels?
