• RE: Deleting all waveforms from a directory in M>/

    Dear Alfonso,

    The MMEMory:CATalog? command currently doesn't return all the waveform names - I suspect that because there are quite a lot of them, if they are fed into the output buffer, but I suspect that there are so many it may overflow it or take so much time that the pyvisa connection closes. However currently if I execute:
    1. r = afg.write('MMEMory:CATalog?')
    3. print('{}'.format(r)
    I get: 16  immeditely as a response - using Pyvisa with '\n' as a delimiter and  a 30 second timeout.  This means even if the query is executed, I do not get the full response returned to my device. If this is the correct response, then it is unclear to me how to read the output buffer after executing  the CAT? command. 
    This is regardless of if I am in the M:/ or M:/waveforms folder.
    If I try to query the status of the event queue after executing the above I get: -410,"Query INTERRUPTED".
    Please let me know if you have any ideas
  • Deleting all waveforms from a directory in M>/

    I have an AFG31152 and I have been using the Mass memory folder M:/ to store my custom waveforms which I upload to AWG by saving from the edit memory (EMEM1). Currently I have lots of waveforms in a folder (M:/waveforms/) that I no longer need, but have automatically generated filenames (such that I don't know the names of all the files in there). 

    How can I delete all the files in M:/waveforms? Something like 
    1. afg.write('MMEMory:CDIRectory "M:/waveforms"')
    2. afg.write('MMEMory:DELete "*.tfwx"')
    would be ideal but this doesn't work.
    Alternatively is there a way to SSH normally into the machine, so I access the file system in a terminal?