• RE: DPO2014B, programming CH1 to CH2 delay function

    This is working now.

    // -- Measurement -- page 2-185 --
    MEASUrement:IMMed:TYPe DELay    (was missing this command)
    MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce1 CH1
    MEASUrement:IMMed:DELay:EDGE1 RISe

    MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce2 CH2
    MEASUrement:IMMed:DELay:EDGE2 RISe


    // -- the result is now correct, 513uSec
    // -- MEASUrement:IMMed:TYPe? showed I was previously set to period
  • DPO2014B, programming CH1 to CH2 delay function

    I want to measure time from rising edge of CH1 to rising edge of CH2.

    Front panel control using the Delay measurement works
    -- Returns 512uSec, which is the expected value

    Programming the delay measurement using NI Max is not working.  
    -- I am missing something when implementing the measurement.
    -- The return value is always 1.024mSec (2x the expected result)


    // -- DPO2000B Programmer Manual 077-0738-00 --
    // -- CH1, CH2 using probe comp for DELAY function test --
    // -- expect ~ 513uSec

    // -- Vertical -- page 2-49 --
    CH1:COUPling DC
    CH1:BANdwidth TWEnty
    CH1:PRObe 0.1
    CH1:SCAle 5
    CH1:POSition 1

    CH2:COUPling DC
    CH2:INVert ON
    CH2:BANdwidth TWEnty
    CH2:PRObe 0.1
    CH2:SCAle 5
    CH2:POSition 0

    // -- Horizontal -- page 2-171
    HORizontal:SCAle 400E-6        
    HORizontal:TRIGger:POSition 25     (does not work, stays at 50%)

    // -- Trigger -- page 2-38 --
    TRIGger:A:EDGE:SOUrce CH1
    TRIGger:A:EDGE:COUPling DC
    TRIGger:A:LEVel:CH1 2.5
    TRIGger:A:MODe NORMal

    // -- Measurement -- page 2-185 --
    MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce1 CH1
    MEASUrement:IMMed:DELay:EDGE1 RISe

    MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce2 CH2
    MEASUrement:IMMed:DELay:EDGE2 RISe


    // -- the result is always 1.024mSec
    // -- changing EDGE1/2 to RISe or FALL makes no difference.