• How to understand the "present" time on an oscilloscope? Trying to assign UTC timestamps

    I am trying to assign UTC timestamps to the oscilloscope waveform .

    I do the following steps:
    1. Query timestamp and waveform using the following commands (connecting to the scope using pyvisa and a Jupyter Notebook

    # Collect timestamp and data using "curve?"
    center_time, curve = dt.datetime.now().timestamp(), scope1.query('curve?')

    2. I take this center_time to be the timestamp at the middle of the waveform. 
    3. Then, I use the x-increment value, which is the step size in seconds for the horizontal points, and assign decreasing and increasing UTC timestamps for the waveform data to the left of and right of the center time point.

    Does it make sense to do it this way? I think this is actually missing some detail regarding the trigger point (which is set at the center of the waveform at the moment).

  • RE: update firmware problem

    I have a TDS2024B oscilloscope and have the same issue. I thought the problem was that I was trying to go from v22.02 to v22.16 without the v22.11 in between. I received the v22.11 firmware from Tek (unfortunately, that also failed for me) but I'm attaching here in case you want to try it. They said that most likely something in the oscilloscope had become corrupted in the process of trying the firmware update and that I would need to send it in for repairs.