• Saving data from test scripts run from TSB

    I was trying to run some linear sweep scripts from TSB to KI2461. Its running fine and saving the measurements to buffer. Now I want to save the data from buffer to my PC. 
    There is option to print the current and voltage values in console but can't find anything to save it to a file. 
    I found that I can save the buffer to the USB connected to 2461. but I'm using more instruments in it and want data to save in a file in my computer.
    what can be be the codes?
  • RE: IV measurements using arb waveform

    Hi Andrea,
    Thanks for the understanding the problem and prompt reply.
    I checked the PMU_examples_ulib and found the SegArb example you were talking about. This can solve my problem exactly by the only complication is, here I have to may a waveform having more than 1K sweep points. This seems to much time consuming if I have to put each datapoint manually. So I was hoping some way by which I can give the whole file containing seep points at once. This I can find in KPulse. But I want to know how this Kpulse waveform can be imported to SegArb. (probably this can be imported in FullArb but how to do it in seg arb?)

    Thanks alot
  • RE: Synching Keithley6221 Ac source with SRS830 Lock-inamplifier for 2nd harmonic measurements

    If you were using 6221 with 2182A for delta mode then you will be connecting both the instruments with one RS 232 and a trigger link (8pin circular) connector. That's  the 8 pin trigger link connector at back of 6221. There are few pin distribution box available to purchase or can be made in lab by cutting the trigger link cable. Please see the available literature available on internet which pin to use. Probable you have to connect pin 1 or 5 or 8 to trigger in in the front panel of  your SRS. Then you can adjust the phase difference from there.

  • IV measurements using arb waveform


    I have a 4200 with 2 smus connected to 4225 rpms. I wanted to perform some IV measurements (send voltage and measure current) by sending arbitrary waveform which is in ~ KHz frequency. 
    Using Kpulse I'm able to load the waveform (Which I have in a text file) and create .kaf file, but here I'm struggling to create a .ksf file which can be loaded to segment arb feature of Clarius.

    Also, in Clarius program is there a feature to perform an arbitrary list sweep using pulse point from a file at some particular frequency. The Seg arb in examples has two predefined patterns which can't be changed. (or I didn't got an option to change them.)

    please help me in regards.