• Get Continous readings from TSequence


    I am building a test bench in which a Keithley 6517A electrometer is to be used for automated resistance testing. The electrometer is controlled via the RS-232 interface. There is already a setup stored in the meter and the previous control via


    :ZCHeck 1

    :TSEQuence:TSOurce IMMediate


    (wait for 120seconds as buffer size is set to 4 readings)


    is working.

    Now i want update the automation to measure 120 seconds but get continous readings e.g. every 1 second -> 120 measurement points. The voltage applied to the device under test should not be switched off between the measurement points.

    I already tried it via the trigger subsystem, :INIT:CONT 1, Trigger source for measurement layer timer and more but i dont know how to start the measurement. I tried :TSEQuence:ARM and *TRG but the measurement is not started.

    I guess that the commands are listed in the manual in the order they have to be sent to the measurement device?

    Currently my call is as follows:

    :INITiate:CONTinous 1

    :TRIGger:SEQuence:COUNt 120

    :TRIGger:SEQuence:SOURce TIMer

    :TRIGger:SEQuence:TIMer 1

    :ARM:SEQuence1:LAYer1:SOURce IMMediate

    :ARM:SEQuence1:LAYer2:SOURce IMMediate


    do I have to use the signal commands to configure the trigger? I am not sure if I understand these commands (3.24.9 TCONfigure commands) correctly and how to use them.

    I am really grateful for any help

    Thanks in advance
