• pyVISA - importing unfiltered signal from DPO 2024B scope (or others) to PC

    As part of an automation project, I'm using pyVISA to communicate and control my scope from my PC. as part of this process, I need to import the signal from the scope to my PC for further analysis.
    In my case, the signal I'm having a hard time to import properly is a 1.5 second train, made of short (~50), 8MHz, pulses. I need to detect and measure the peaks of these pulses, and because they are very high frequency, while viewing the whole train, the imported signal isn't sampled fast enough so I get inconsistent peak values.
    While this happens, I do see in the scope display the actual signal I want, with consistent peak heights, but I think the scope counts them as part of the "Glitch background" despite the FilterVu being set to 200MHz (so it shouldn't actually filter out anything).
    If someone has a solution for this It would help a lot, maybe a way to completely disable any filtering, or a different way to transport a raw signal from the scope to my PC?

    The code I'm currently using to import the signal:

    # Reading samples of what is shown on the scope screen
    oscilloscope.write('DATASOURCE CH1')
    oscilloscope.write('DATA:ENCDG SRI')
    oscilloscope.write('DATA:WIDTH 2')
    oscilloscope.write('DATA:START 0')
    rec_len = 1250000
    oscilloscope.write(f'HORizontal:RESOlution {rec_len}')
    oscilloscope.write(f'DATA:RESOlution FULL')
    oscilloscope.write(f'DATA:STOP {rec_len}')
    data_ch1 = np.array(oscilloscope.query_binary_values('CURV?', datatype='h', is_big_endian=False))

  • importing unfiltered signal from DPO 2024B scope (or others) to PC

    As part of an automation project, I'm using pyVISA to communicate and control my scope from my PC. as part of this process, I need to import the signal from the scope to my PC for further analysis.
    In my case, the signal I'm having a hard time to import properly is a 1.5 second train, made of short (~50), 8MHz, pulses. I need to detect and measure the peaks of these pulses, and because they are very high frequency, while viewing the whole train, the imported signal isn't sampled fast enough so I get inconsistent peak values.
    While this happens, I do see in the scope display the actual signal I want, with consistent peak heights, but I think the scope counts them as part of the "Glitch background" despite the FilterVu being set to 200MHz (so it shouldn't actually filter out anything).
    If someone has a solution for this It would help a lot, maybe a way to completely disable any filtering, or a different way to transport a raw signal from the scope to my PC?

    The code I'm currently using to import the signal:

    # Reading samples of what is shown on the scope screen
    oscilloscope.write('DATASOURCE CH1')
    oscilloscope.write('DATA:ENCDG SRI')
    oscilloscope.write('DATA:WIDTH 2')
    oscilloscope.write('DATA:START 0')
    rec_len = 1250000
    oscilloscope.write(f'HORizontal:RESOlution {rec_len}')
    oscilloscope.write(f'DATA:RESOlution FULL')
    oscilloscope.write(f'DATA:STOP {rec_len}')
    data_ch1 = np.array(oscilloscope.query_binary_values('CURV?', datatype='h', is_big_endian=False))
