• RE: DAQ6510 TSP Commands for RS232 Port

    Hi Andrea,
    Thank you for the sample code. Yes, it controls an external device such Temperature Chamber using “tspnet” commands and local network. In my project I also try to control an external device using “tspnet” commands and local network. However, difference is that I need to send entire binary package not ASCII symbols data. I represented the binary data package as 26 bytes hex format data and converted each hex byte to ASCII format using “\xdd” operator. I was able to send and receive all hex bytes except “\x00” combination (binary code 00000000). Such bytes were simple missing. Probably, this combination was ignored by TSP compiler. This is my problem. I cannot control the external device with corrupted binary package.  
    I hope, there is another way to solve this problem to send actual “Zero” binary hex value not ASCII Zero character. Please help.
    With best regards. Sergey

  • RE: DAQ6510 TSP Commands for RS232 Port

    Thank you for your recommendations, Andrea. I bought Brainboxes ES-257 Ethernet to RS-232 dual ports converter, and it works well. I successfully tried both Telnet and TCP_Raw protocols to convert Ethernet to RS-232.
    During Telnet communication, I used tspnet.connect("", 23, "") command.
    During TCP_Raw communication, I used tspnet.connect("", 9001, "") command.
    However, during sending of 26 bytes hex string, I met two problems.
    1. I could not send entire string, but only 5 bytes fragmentTo solve the problem, I just split the string by several pieces using several tspnet.write commands. Is there another way to do that? Does tspnet.write command limitation for string size?
    2. To create hex formatted string, I converted each byte of dat using "\xNN" operator. However, the final RS-232 string was missing "Zero" value data. I tried both "\x00" and "\0" operators. Looks like, "Zero" was interpreted as NULL value and was ignored by "write" command. I spent some time to solve this problem, but not successfully. I believe that Lua has ability to send all kind string data values including "Zero". Please help.
    Thank you. Sergey
  • RE: DAQ6510 TSP Commands for RS232 Port

    Thank you for your response, Andrea. Unfortunately, it is not easy to use LAN port for this application. Our device has only RS-232 and USB communication interfaces. So, I have couple more questions:
    1. Can I utilize DAQ6510 USB port for this communication with TSP commands?
    2. How to make TSP-NET communication to convert it to serial or USB interfaces? Do I need to buy additional adapters for TSP-NET and then for Ethernet to RS-232 or USB? Or can I use DAQ6510 Ethernet port with additional converter to RS-232 or USB? Please advise.
    Thank you. Sergey

  • DAQ6510 TSP Commands for RS232 Port

    I have DAQ6510 with KTTI-RS232 Card and would like to send and receive "string" data using RS232 port connected to another device. I successfully use TSP commands to control DAQ6510. However, I could not find any TSP commands for RS232 port in the DAQ6510 User Manual nor in the KTTI-RS232 Card manual. Please help me to use all functionality of DAQ6510, including RS232 TSP commands. Thank you.