Posted Thu, 02 Feb 2023 17:27:33 GMT by Li, Xiang

Hi Tek support,
How do I add a meas for phase delay from pos edge of chan1 to pos edge of chan2? Found below info but it doesn't tell me how to specify delay from pos edge of chan1 to pos edge of chan2. 

From Manual: 

"PDUTY (Positive Duty Cycle) is the ratio of the Positive Pulse Width to the Period.
This measurement is made on each cycle in the record.
Positive Duty Cycle = (Positive Width)/Period × 100%
PERIOD is the time required to complete a cycle. A cycle is the time between
two adjacent (same direction) crossings of the Mid reference level (RM). This
measurement is made on each cycle in the record.
PHASE is the ratio of the Skew between two sources to the Period of the first
source. This measurement is made on each cycle in the record.
PHASENOISE (Phase Noise) is the RMS magnitude of all integrated jitter falling
within a user specified offset range of the fundamental clock frequency. This
measurement is made across the entire record. This measurement is not available
on a 4 Series MSO instrument."

Posted Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:20:04 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Xiang,

Sounds like you need the Delay measurement, available under the "Time Measurements" tab.

It is unclear to me what delay you wish to specify, perhaps you could explain more about your waveforms and what you wish to measure?
Posted Fri, 03 Feb 2023 01:36:35 GMT by Li, Xiang

I'm trying to get the phase delay of 2 channels using SCPI programming. 
I know how to do this manually. See attached pic. 
I want to know how to do this automatically by:
1. adding a meas stat badge so I can get the stats of the delay. 
2. getting an instantaneous value 

Posted Fri, 03 Feb 2023 17:36:20 GMT by Wolke, Alan Sr. Field Applications Engineer
This should get you started:

To add the measurement, use MEASU:MEASn:Type phase, where n is the measurement number (assuming you have more than one measurement defined)
To configure the sources, use MEASU:MEASn:SOURCEx CHy, where x is 1 or 2, to define the two sources for the Phase measurement, and y is the channel number you're setting to a given source.
For example:
MEASUrement:MEAS1:TYPE phase 
adds the Phase measurement badge as measurement 1
MEASUrement:MEAS1:SOUrce1 CH2
MEASUrement:MEAS1:SOUrce2 CH3
sets CH2 as the first source and CH3 as the second source for the Phase measurement.

To read the current mean value of the measurement:

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