Hi Michael,
I do not believe the 5000/7000 have an equivalent option to "Enable Acquisition History". You can change the acquisition mode to Envelope, Average or WfmDB, but then you won't have measurement statistics.
Instead, I would suggest a workaround: set trigger mode as Normal, when ready to take a measurement press Run/Stop to enable acquisition and press it again after your event was acquired. Repeat as many times as desired.
If you have several possible trigger events within a few seconds but only wish to trigger on the first one, then you can setup A->B sequence triggering to have a delay of up to 8 seconds, giving you enough time to press Run/Stop before the next event.
If this workaround doesn't do what you need to do then probably the next solution to try would be to use remote control programming (SCPI commands) to automate the process of gathering measurement data and generating the statistics on a PC.
TekScope Utility can log this data automatically after a single shot trigger event and save it as a .csv.