First, thank you all for the help on the waveform download question some weeks back.  With your help we did get code in place to break large waveforms into pieces, sequence them (after buying licenses for the truckload of new AFGs we bought) and we can see they download properly as long as the waveform pieces start and end with zeroes. It's still weird that the device is that finicky about the specifics of the data - and that it fails without returning errors, but we can live with that.<br>
So now, we have in our application a situation where we have a single waveform. It's basically binary, so it's composed of 0 and 8191 so that it's a waveform referenced to 0 and goes as high as V+.  The code sends it just fine and we can see it sitting, ready to go. The code then sends the output enable command. The channel 1 and 2 buttons light up but there's no output. If I press the buttons to turn off the output and then again to turn it on, I get the output.  The device doesn't report anything in status that it's waiting for anything.<br>
I also tried putting the double button push in code to Band-Aid over this. After the waveforms are downloaded and the output enabled, I added two more output commands - a disable and an enable spaced 1 second apart. The lights behave as you'd expect but there's no output. It seems like the physical button push is required to get the output.<br>
Any theories?  Is this something that might be known and is waiting for a firmware fix?<br>