Posted Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:09:03 GMT by A, Jake
I need to add a colleague to our organization's TekAMS account to access software licenses. How do I do this?
Posted Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:19:49 GMT by A, Jake
License Managers within an account are able to edit several fields in TekAMS, including invitations to new Users/Managers.
If you are classified as a 'License User' in the account, a License Manager within your organization would need to change your status from User to Manager or they would need to send the invitation.
License Users can check out licenses and interact with the tool under the associated account.
License Managers can do all of the operations available to Users, but are also afforded additional control over the account and its contents.

To invite new Users/Managers to the account, you must first log into your organization's TekAMS account with a Manager profile.
You will then click the drop-down menu next to your Account's name and account ID (#### - Organization/Account Name).
This should be located to the left of the Help/FAQ link.
In the menu, click the Settings option.
On the new window, select the 'User Manager' tab.
Click the 'Invite New Users' button.
Type the desired email account (or add CSV list of email addresses) into the field and press the 'Continue to Step 2' button.
Select the Role for this invitee (License Key User or License Key Manager), press 'Send Invitations' button.

Your colleague will receive an email inviting them to create a TekAMS account, if they don't already have one, and to join the account as a User or Manager.
Posted Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:26:56 GMT by A, Jake
You can also find a video on the Home page of TekAMS for adding Users/Managers:

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