Posted Thu, 09 Mar 2023 01:43:01 GMT by C, Neil
Hi,<br> <br> We are new to 2461 coming from 2430.&#160; We are encountering 2 issues:<br> <br> 1. We are trying to setup a pulse measurement for a pulse width of 250us at 2% duty cycle at a force current of 2.7A.&#160; However, when we try to generate, it displays Error 5111.&#160; We play around with different timing (such as pw=4ms, offtime=12.5ms, at source current of 1A) and it can generate (see img1).&#160; As per manual, the minimum pulse width is 150us.&#160; Sometimes even if we set at 50% duty cycle at 12.5ms pulse width, were still getting Error 5111.&#160; What is the proper way to setup pulse measurements and get discrete values on the screen (not using Digitize or turning Acquire measurements off)?<br> <br> 2. We are measuring BVdss of a MOSFET and sourcing 250uA (non-pulsed).&#160; We are getting the correct reading of the breakdown voltage.&#160; However, the meter display is not showing the 250uA Source current (see img2).&#160; What is happening here?<br> <br> TIA
Posted Fri, 10 Mar 2023 12:59:30 GMT by C, Andrea
For topic #2, check the state of your interlock.&#160; I suspect that is not engaged and it is normal for the instrument to clamp the output below ~42V.&#160; In your case, you are hitting the voltage clamp level and so the current forcing is not the primary action of the SMU any longer;&#160; the actual current will be the clamped V / DUT R.<br> <br> For topic #1, error 5111 is because the measure time will exceed the requested pulse width.<br> Try setting the NPLC to minimum of 0.01 which for 60Hz power equates to 166.7usec.<br> Make sure you turn off the source readback;&#160; that defaults to ON which means two measurements occur (one for V and one for I) which at 0.01 NPLC puts you past the 250usec pulse width.&#160; Turn it off so that if forcing I, it only measures V and does not also read back the source level.<br> Source or Measure Delays could also be playing a role;&#160; set them to zero.<br> <br> Last:&#160; make sure your firmware level is up to date.&#160; 1.7.12b is current release.

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