The issue you're having is that the iterator of script.user.catalog() is a string, not the actual scriptVar. You can confirm this by running
for name in script.user.catalog() do
print(name, type(name))
which will report each name as having the type 'string'.
So, we need to interpret the string 'name' as a variable name (i.e. ScriptVar). This is fairly simple to do but is not in the standard TSP documentation. It is part of the standard Lua documentation though.
for name in script.user.catalog() do
print(name, _G[name].autorun)
_G is a table that holds the global variables of the instrument. _G[name] will return the object with variable name 'name'. So _G["ScriptVar"].autorun is equivalent to ScriptVar.autorun. You can read more here: