Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2023 19:00:43 GMT by Raghavan, Anirudh

My understanding is that a single reading is an averaged value of samples over a period of time. What is the sample rate and number of samples obtained to compute this average when NPLC=0.01? 

Using the SCPI commands , If I read out say 10 such readings, each reading is sampled at every 9ms. But am trying to understand how many samples and at what rate is it measured to obtain each reading. 

Posted Sun, 05 Mar 2023 14:24:21 GMT by C, Andrea
Model 2450 uses integrating A/D converter type.<br> It is custom implementation, but is reasonable to think of it as dual slope integrating A/D of about 22 bits at 1 NPLC.<br> The NPLC setting is affecting the duration of the integration or how long you let your signal “charge up” the cap.<br> Regardless of NPLC value, a reported measurement is based on sample size of one.<br> <br> In contrast, some of our products have both high accuracy integrating A/D and fast digitizing A/D.<br> The digitizer always runs at 1MHz; &#160;requested sampling rates slower than 1MHz can make use of auto aperture based averaging from the 1MHz data. &#160;SMU models such as 2461, 2651A have digitizers in addition to integrator.

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