• RE: Schematics for the analog board of the 2306/2302

    Hello, Thank you for your response. I sometimes buy broken test equipment and then fixt it
    as a hobby.

    I will appreciate any help on fixing my 2306.

    Both channels on my 2306 aren't working. I only tried to diagnose channel 1 so far.
    The symptoms are:
    - when the output is off an no load applied to the output, the output voltage is -7.7V, 
      2306 reads -13.05V at that output, current is read as 0.0000A
    - when the output voltage is set at 15V (voltage protect sat at 8V), 0.25A current limit
      and he output is turned on, the voltage changes to -7.6V, while the instruments reads +9.85V
     and 0A. When a small load is applied the output, the voltage drops to -48mV and the instruments
     reads +80mV and 0A

    None of the DACs are written to when cycling the output between on and off state.
    Is this because some of the measured signals are out of range?

    - external DVM input reads random numbers when the input is floating,
      when the input is biased with small positive voltage (>+0.1V),  the dvm reading
      is 'overflow', when the input is shorted, the readings are in -140 .. -130V range
      an when the input is biased with -0.1V, the reading is -1790V, at -1V, the reading
      is -19200V and at -5V it's -102100V.

  • Schematics for the analog board of the 2306/2302


    Would it be possible to obtain schematics for the analog board of the 2306/2302
    Battery Simulator?
    I'm trying to fix my 2306  and having the schematics would be a great help.