• RE: Acquiring FastFrame data with multiple channels

    This is what I am doing. (Example code). I am using IVI.VISA (C#)

    scope.FormattedIO.WriteLine("HORIZONTAL:FASTFRAME:COUNT 4");
    scope.FormattedIO.WriteLine("HORizontal:FASTFRAME:STATE ON");
      scope.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DATA:FRAMESTART 1");
     scope.FormattedIO.WriteLine("DATA:FRAMESTOP 4");

    for (loop 4 times)
    scope.FormattedIO.WriteLine("HORIZONTAL:FASTFRAME:SELECTED" + "selected frame number");
    short[] rawData = scope.FormattedIO.ReadLineBinaryBlockOfInt16();


    -> rawData always has firstframe data.
    -> If I don't use the scope.clear command in the first line, when I read the second fastframe I see invalid blocheader error.
  • RE: Acquiring FastFrame data with multiple channels

    I have the same issue, is there a solution? Even though I am indexing to the right fastframe but I always read the data of the very fast fastframe.