• Messy code in the post content

    Messy code easily come out when editting the post, it really last for a long time, don't know what's wrong with it. 

    Microsoft Edge..
  • RE: LABVIEW software communicates with oscilloscope via USB

    Hi Mr Zhou,

    <a href="https://www.tek.com.cn/manual/oscilloscope/tbs2000b-series-oscilloscopes-tbs2000">TBS2000B Series Programmer Manual | Tektronix</a><br> <br> So how did you change the channel to channel2? Did you update the code to open and select channel2?&#160;<br> <br> Please refer to the Page 245 for the channel selection.<br> <br> Just a reminder, the LabVIEW demo is just for reference, it could not do everything what you want.<br> &#160;you need to do the coding yourself.

  • RE: MSO44 memory and bandwidth questions

    1. It is still 62.5M,
    2. I have no idea about the theoretical speed. but the TekScope need about  1 minutes to finish the 4*31.25M acquisition.
  • RE: Alternating Polarity Resistance/Resistivity Test of 6517B

    I tried to measured a 1M Ohm resistor, the voltage is +-50V, 15S, and the current is 50uA, -50uA,50uA, -50uA,50uA, -50uA,50uA, -50uA,50uA, -50uA,50uA, -50uA...... so according to &amp;#160;I calc=(I1+3(–I2) +3(I3) +(–I4))/8, the current&amp;#160; Icalc is 50uA or -50uA.&lt;br&gt; &lt;br&gt; sorry, overlook the information in your reply above. this seems to be ok for me to do the calculation.&lt;br&gt; &lt;code&gt;&lt;em&gt;1(I1) + 3(I2) + 3(I3) + 1(I4) all divided by 8. And the polarities of the current measurements are made to be all positive.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/code&gt;<br> but it seems a bit different from the white pater
  • RE: Alternating Polarity Resistance/Resistivity Test of 6517B

    Hi Ty,
    Thanks for the reply.
    As describe in the document:

    Note that not all of these currents are of the polarity that might be expected, given the polarity of the voltages applied (+, –, +, –).

    Is it possible that  the current to be a negagive value according to I calc=(I1+3(–I2) +3(I3) +(–I4))/8,  and then how should we do with it?

  • RE: How does the MSO series to handle acquisition and store/transfer data?

    And I&#160; found a strange issue that when the sample rate is set to 10MS/s, there seems easy to have errors when query by &quot;curve?&quot;.&#160;<br> but after setting the sample rate up to 50MS/s, the error disappear.&#160; (in RUN/STOP mode to acquire continuely)
  • How does the MSO series to handle acquisition and store/transfer data?

    <p>Hi&#160; Afonso and All,<br> 1. Is it possible to transfer data to PC and the scope do the acquisition at the same time? Does the scope working like this now?(ignore dead time)<br> The MSO2 series could not have &quot;roll screen&quot; currently, if the horizontal scale&#160; is long/big enough and above process working parallel, it seems the data will all be stored in the register/storage, is that means we could fetch the data to rebuild the roll screen in the PC software?<br> ah, how to say... for example: if one screen take 2s, transfer data cost 0.5s,&#160; if the scrope acquire&#160;and transfer data 10 times. how much time will the scope need to transfer all the 10 screens of data to PC. about 20S or 25S?<br> <br> 2. Is there a SCPI command to know when the register/storage is updated, I try to use &quot;curve?&quot; continuely and got more screens than the scrope acquired, so it seems some of them are the duplicated data. (RUN/STOP,not sigle trigger mode)<br> <br> 3. How does it working on the other series? such as TBS which have the &quot;roll screen&quot; mode.&#160; Do they acquire and store/transfer parallel?<br> and how is the register/storage working? do they same with MSO series and&#160; just with different display mode?&#160;</p>
  • Alternating Polarity Resistance/Resistivity Test of 6517B

    Hello all,
    according to Volume and Surface Resistivity Measurements of Insulating Materials Using the 6517B Electrometer/High Resistance Meter | Tektronix
     Icalc is a weighted average of the latest four current measurements, each at the end of a separate alternation.

    Could you help to advise how to define the Weight of the four current measurement.  is it 0.25 for each current measurement or other?

    And  I don't quite understand about below parameter for Standard method resistivity tests

    PRE-DISCH: The predischarge time in seconds. 

    BIAS-TIME: The bias time in seconds. 

    MEAS-V: The measurement voltage. This is typically set to the same level as BIAS V. 
    MEAS-TIME: The measurement time in seconds. 

    what is BIAS-TIME, and what is the difference between predischarge time and measurement time

  • RE: Which command group to retrieve the specturm measurement results of MSO44?

    Hi Afonso,
    Oops, after that, I didn't try to read the value again. it seems I couldn't find the CPOWER type on Page 2-886, the page is about MEASUrement:MECH:GRATio.  and does the command MEASUrement:MEASx:CPWIDTh not in the manual?

    I didn't find the instruction for measurement:immediate in the manual. Are we talking about the same version of manual 077-1305-17?
  • RE: Zero check and Zero correct of 6514

    And on the setting screen of Kickstart which below NPLC, is it Zero check or Zero correct? 
    -----------updated: it seems to be auto zero.SYST:AZER

    It seems RS232 connection will result in communication error when trying to read the data according to  Kickstart, but setting seems working.