• How Many AFG31000s can be connected in parallel? Can AFG31000s be paralleled with AFG3000s?

    I need a way to synchronize 8 output channels with very high precision. 
    Can 4 AFGs be paralleled to achieve this? Can I parallel my older AFG3000s with newer AFG31000s?

  • RE: AFG31002 Trigger delay has no affect

    Hi Daniel,<br> Thanks for the response, and my apologies for the delay.&#160;<br> <br> Actually, the trigger delay is the setting I need to synchronise both channels in burst mode based off of an external trigger. I was using the feature as intended, it just wasn't working.<br> <br> I was able to resolve my issue by updating the firmware. It turns out the version of firmware shipped on the device had a bug where the trigger delay setting in burst mode has no affect.&#160;<br> This is documented in the release notes of the next version of firmware as Issue number AFG-505:<br> &quot;When using Burst mode with an external delay, the Trigger delay value does not affect the displacement of the waveform. This issue was introduced in the v1.5.2 release.<br> Resolution<br> This issue has been corrected.&quot;<br> <br> Replying here to save debug effort for whoever else has this issue.<br> <br> -Daniel
  • AFG31002 Trigger delay has no affect

    I am working with an AFG31002 wavegen and am using a trigger and trigger delay to sync the two channels.<br> However, regardless of the trigger delay settings the two channels always trigger at the same time.<br> <br> How can I correct this? I have tried both triggering with the button on the AWG (Trigger set to external) and with the VISA command &quot;TRIGGER:SEQUENCE:IMMEDIATE&quot;<br> <br> Thanks,<br> Daniel