Posted Wed, 25 Jan 2023 15:10:41 GMT by wachanasunthon, Tanat
<p>In manual there is the accuracy table with value 0.03+0.004 and mark&amp;nbsp;*uncertainty given as +-(%reading+%of range).&lt;br&gt; How can I calculate the accuracy of meter.If I measure 10 ohms with range 200 ohms and 1 year.I can multiple 10 with 0.03&nbsp;and 20 with 0.04 or&lt;br&gt; 10 x (0.03/100) + 20 x (0.04) &lt;grammarly-desktop-integration data-grammarly-shadow-root="true"&gt;&lt;/grammarly-desktop-integration&gt;</p> <grammarly-desktop-integration data-grammarly-shadow-root="true"></grammarly-desktop-integration>
Posted Thu, 26 Jan 2023 19:36:16 GMT by C, Andrea
You have it correct. 

For the 200 ohm range, the 1 year spec:  0.03% of value + 0.004% of range

For 10 ohm DUT measured on this range:
0.03% x 10 = 0.003 ohms
0.004% x 200 = 0.008 ohms

Total Error Budget:  0.011 ohms

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