Posted 2 years ago by Gray, Anthony
The simplified schematic for the 3723 switch in single-pole mode shows a HI/LO pair at the top of Bank 1 going to the DMM Input (attached).  There is a second Hi/LO pair on Bank 2 that does not show a connection to anything.  I need to do resistance measurements between any pin on Bank 1 and any pin on Bank 2.  The diagram clearly shows that I can connect any Bank 1 to the HI side of the DMM Input.  I can also connect any Bank 2 pin to the HI output of Bank 2.  But can I measure resistance between Bank 1HI and Bank 2 HI?
Posted 2 years ago by Gray, Anthony
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Posted 2 years ago by C, Andrea

If you make use of backplane relays or connect the DMM LO to the Output HI of bank 2, then you could measure between any two pins of bank 1 and bank 2.

If you have more than one 3723 card in the 3706A chassis, jumpering it to the backplane will be recommended way.

On rear of the 3706A is a DB15 connector that brings out the DMM HI and LO as well as the backplane relays HI and LO.
A small jumper on the DB15 could connect the DMM LO to the HI of backplane 3 (for example).
Each card (one by one) would need to close backplane #3 of MUX Bank 2 when a channel on that card is one of pins.

In the channel patterns, you can associate backplane relays with the card channel to have this automatic closure of the backplane relay with the channel.

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