Posted 2 years ago by Koenigsfeld, Douglas Electronics Technician Ii
I am trying to do a burst measurement on channel 3 of the MCA3040.  There is no option for channel 3 on the display.  The serial number of the MCA3040 is 579887.
Posted 2 years ago by Wolke, Alan Sr. Field Applications Engineer
When you hit Meas > Freq > Burst, the bottom of the screen should show you selections for inputs A, B and C.  Does yours not show this?  What version of firmware is your unit running?
Posted 2 years ago by Koenigsfeld, Douglas Electronics Technician Ii
V1.32S 26 May 22

No it does not show channel 3, it only shows channels 1 & 2.
Posted 2 years ago by Koenigsfeld, Douglas Electronics Technician Ii
Sorry, you were correct, it is A, B, and C.  When I was seeing A, B, and C, in my mind I saw 1, 2, & 3.  When I go to Measure>Freq> Freg Burst, the only choices I have at the bottom are A and B, channel C does not show up.
Posted 2 years ago by F., Massimiliano
Frequency Burst is not available on Input C of MCA Models. This feature was removed.
It is available on FCA3020 and FCA3120 – 20 GHz Only
Posted 2 years ago by Koenigsfeld, Douglas Electronics Technician Ii

This was bought less than 6 months ago.  Nowhere did or does it say that there is no burst measurement function on channel C.  This was one of the main points of buying this model over just a frequency counter.  Working in the radar field, this feature was being looked forward to.  Needless to say, we are not very satisfied with this answer.  

Posted 2 years ago by F., Massimiliano
I would recommend contacting your Local Tektronix Sales Representative and the Regional Technical Support for this topic.

Here I can only point to the Datasheet, frequency Burst is indicated for channel A and B: Microwave/Counter/Analyzer with Integrated Power Meter | Tektronix

Posted 2 years ago by Koenigsfeld, Douglas Electronics Technician Ii
Here is the user manual that came with the MCA3040.  Page 38 shows all 3 channels capable of burst measurement.  If the new firmware is what took the capability out, is it possible to have the firmware reloaded with the previous version? I am also attaching 2 pictures, one of the MCA3040 showing the positive pulse width being 4.76nsec, and the second showing the signal generator putting out a pulse of 2usec.  It appears that the MCA is measuring only one cycle of the RF.  Has anyone else had this problem?
Posted 2 years ago by F., Massimiliano
please contact Technical Support, depending on the Region: Support | Tektronix

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