Posted Wed, 17 May 2023 10:06:56 GMT by Zhang, Jingru
MSO64B :MEASU:MEAS1:RESU:CURR:MEAN Clipping causes incorrect values to be given<br> How to obtain the current Clipping status?<br> It's not a &quot;CH&lt;x&gt;: CLIPPing&quot; command, the signal is just an instant CLIPPing<br> <br> &#160;
Posted Wed, 17 May 2023 17:30:43 GMT by Wolke, Alan Sr. Field Applications Engineer
The CH&lt;x&gt;:CLIPping? query can be used to check if a channel is clipping.
Posted Thu, 18 May 2023 01:29:46 GMT by Zhang, Jingru
Hello, I have tried. CH&lt;x&gt;: CLIPPing cannot solve situations where only momentary signals are triggered once
Posted Thu, 18 May 2023 01:49:15 GMT by Zhang, Jingru
&lt;p&gt;Meas is Clipping, but Ch1 does not have Clipping&lt;/p&gt;<br> <img alt="" src="" style="width:1928px;height:1046px;">
Posted Thu, 18 May 2023 01:53:13 GMT by Zhang, Jingru
Posted Thu, 18 May 2023 17:09:36 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Jingru,<br> <br> As Alan correctly said before, <code> CH&lt;x&gt;: CLIPPing&#160;</code> is used to check if a channel is currently clipping.<br> Your problem is slightly different, your channel is not clipping when you send the SCPI commands to get the measurements but it was previously clipping during the last acquisition.<br> <br> For this reason the <code>CH&lt;x&gt;: CLIPPing</code>&#160; command won't work for you, instead you should, after querying the mean of your measurement, query <code>*ESR?</code> which will return a value of 16 (bit 4) if there was an execution error (described on page 3-15 of the programmer's manual) and you can then see that error message by doing <code>ALLEV?</code>.

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