Hi guys,

I have an issue where my Python script that obtains both the original waveform and then takes the MATH1 = SpectralMag(CH1) of the original waveform doesn't quite work. The two functions work independently, but for some reason when used in series the MATH1 channel doesn't give the expected data output. I have configured the data types, encoding (('data:encdg SRPbinary' for MATH1), etc. properly as evidenced by a properly working FFT function if done separately. Once they run in series, or one after another, it doesn't work. I can't reset the commands between runs because I need to preserve specific settings set prior to the Python script running with each function in succession.

Also, the clear command in the manual doesn't seem to work for my DPO7354 oscilloscope. The command I use is "CLEAR".

Happy to give more information. Please let me know how I can help. 

"Big" Jim