Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 19:13:43 GMT by Horowitz, Paul
Does anyone know how to persuade Spectrum View to display frequency on a log axis on a 4-series scope?  On an earlier 5-series it gave you that option, but a new 4B-series (MSO44B) seems not to offer that.  I'm running firmware (factory installed), but hesitate to update to 2.10 because of a "known issue" with exporting SV data
Posted Tue, 20 Aug 2024 20:47:02 GMT by Horowitz, Paul

(replying to my own query!)

I found the option -- you double-tap in the SV window and it gives you options for intensity (waveform and graticle), and for x-axis lin/log

So, to set up Spectrum View you have to visit three menus: 1. SV in the channel badge, 2. double-tap the SV badge, and 3. double-tap in the SV window.  who woulda thunk...

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