Posted Mon, 23 Oct 2023 19:39:09 GMT by Khanal, Om
I have two channels from two detectors. I want to record continuous waveform (not single pulse as done by save as command in file menu) from these two channels setting a coincidence windows of 50 nano seconds. How do I do that?
Posted Tue, 24 Oct 2023 16:07:56 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Om,

How long do you want to capture for and at what sample rate?
Oscilloscopes aren't really meant for long "continuous" acquisitions, so I would suggest you look into using the FastFrame functionality on your machine to take your measurement.

Not quite sure what you want to do with your coincidence window, could you explain that further?
Posted Wed, 25 Oct 2023 12:39:44 GMT by Khanal, Om
Hi Afonso,
I am trying to study timing resolution calculating the time difference between the waveforms within certain coincidence window ( 50 ns was just a number provided). So I would like to record an acquisition within a coincidence window. Can you explain me how do I do that?
Thank You
Posted Wed, 25 Oct 2023 23:19:50 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Om,

Do you have a signal that marks the start of your coincidence window? If so, you could set your scope to trigger on it, set the trigger position to 0% (all the way to the left) and then set your time/div to capture for the length you want (let's say you want a 50 ns window, you'd set the scope to 5 ns/div, or a little more) and set the trigger to norm mode, that way the scope will only capture when it receives a trigger signal as you defined it (in the trigger menu).

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