Posted Wed, 04 Sep 2024 13:47:41 GMT by Cook, John Engineer
I'm having troubles getting a useful response from a measurement command.  The result is zero all the time, for every type of measurement.  Here's the setup:

Inject a 10kHz 4Vp-p sine wave from a signal generator into a TEK MSO5204B on channel 4.  Use SCPI commands to turn on CH4 and put the scope in "RUN" mode.

Send these SCPI commands:
MEASUrement:MEAS1:SOUrce CH4

The scope's measurement setup page will show Frequency as measurement number 1 on CH4
The query returns the following result:


I can parse out the value easily enough but the value should be 10 kHz, not zero.

Any suggestions?
Posted Thu, 05 Sep 2024 15:27:37 GMT by Cook, John Engineer
After a lot of reading of the manual the solution is to turn on the measurement state, like this:


Notice you need the semi-colon and leading colon of the second command that turns on the state of measurement, so the measurement actually happens.

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