Posted Wed, 10 Jul 2024 16:37:11 GMT by Belisle, Mike

We have an MSO 54 scope at a remote site that we are not allowed to hook into the network there for security reasons.  Is it possible to hook up a windows based MSO scope to an Iphone hotspot, so we can remotely log into the oscilloscope from our PC?   From my understanding the MSO scopes don't have WiFi.  What type of adapters and hardware would I need to make this work if it is possible.

I appreciate any feedback the forum has to offer.

Thank You Very Much,

Posted Tue, 16 Jul 2024 04:39:28 GMT by Brown, Emma
You can connect an MSO (Multi-System Operator) Scope to an iPhone Hotspot. iPhone Hotspot acts as a Wi-Fi hotspot, allowing other devices to connect  slope and access the internet through the iPhone's cellular connection.

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