Posted Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:10:34 GMT by Wang, JunJun

<p>DSO5104B: When i launched Serila Jitter Wizard of DPOJET; I always get this popup message:Could not load file or assembly DPOJitMeasCore.dll' or one of itsdependencies. The specified module could not be found. I can't get around this problem. Besides, i can‘t touch the button of TIE and Phase Noise.

Posted Mon, 26 Jun 2023 20:45:02 GMT by Teles, Afonso

Here are my recommendations

1) Do you have the appropriate licenses to run those measurements?

2) Are you running the latest firmware and application versions? If not update and try again.

3) If the above don't work, restore the OS and try again.
Posted Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:24:41 GMT by Wang, JunJun
@Teles, Afonso:
Thanks for your recommendations!
I download and restore the DPOJET application, then i can use it successfully!
Have a nice day!

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