Posted about a year ago by Hilburn, Isaac
Hi all!

I am trying to save Spectrogram trace data, trace by trace, into my own .sogram data files.  As part of this, I have been trying to figure out the formatting for the various XAML elements in the .sogram file.

In particular, I cannot figure out the source / formatting / units for the following XAML elements:


What SPCI commands from the SignalVu programming interface do I use to get the information needed to calculate these values?  What time(?) units are these values in?  How do I calculate these values?

For the following elements, I think I have the format, but need to confirm.
For the <TS> and <EarliestTS>, <LatestTS> elements, the time format appears to be in seconds since Jan 1, 1 CE (a.k.a. 1 AD) at 00:00 in the local time zone.  I'd like to confirm this.

For the <Data> element, is the format just the hexadecimal string designation for the binary values returned by the "FETCH:SGRam?" SCPI command from the Signal-VU PI?

Finally, I do not understand the purpose of the <Valid> and <MultRecs> elements in the file.  Should I just defaults these to true and false, respectively?

Thank you,
Posted about a year ago by Teles, Afonso
Hi Isaac,

Unfortunately the .sogram file format is not publicly documented, I'd suggest using SCPI to get the spectrogram data as we discussed previously and then saving it as your own custom format.

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