Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2025 11:22:30 GMT by Porta, Noteim
I am connecting to a Tektronix AWG5014C from my PC using the Ethernet port and Python. I am not able to load the waveform data, no matter what I try. I tried different encodings, different endiannes for the data, etc. Nothing works. My code is below. Any help is well appreciated.
import socket
from struct import pack
from time import sleep

def write(socket, cmd:str)->None:
    socket.sendall(bytes(cmd + '\n', 'ASCII'))

def read(scoket)->str:
    MESSAGE_ENDS_WITH = '\r\n'
    received = ' '
    while received[-len(MESSAGE_ENDS_WITH):] != MESSAGE_ENDS_WITH:
            received += socket.recv(1024).decode()
        except TimeoutError:
            received = ''
    received = received[1:]
    received = received.rstrip(MESSAGE_ENDS_WITH)
    return received

socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
socket.connect(('', 1111))

write(socket, '*CLS') # Clear error buffer.

write(socket, '*IDN?')
print(read(socket)) # 'TEKTRONIX,AWG...'

samples = [1,2,3] # This is my waveform.

# Following line works fine, the new waveform shows up in the AWG with the right name and number of samples:
write(socket, f'WLISt:WAVeform:NEW "deleteme", {len(samples)}, INT')
print(read(socket)) # '0,"No error"'

send_this = bytes(f'WLISt:WAVeform:DATA "deleteme",', 'ASCII')
send_this += b''.join([pack('<h', sample) for sample in samples])
send_this += b'\n'
print(f'Will send: {send_this}') # Will send: b'WLISt:WAVeform:DATA "deleteme",\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\n'

print(read(socket)) # -109,"Missing parameter; Unexpected termination detected - WLISt:WAVeform:DATA ""deleteme"","

# The waveform data was not updated in the AWG, it has only [0,0,0]
Posted Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:32:32 GMT by F., Massimiliano
Hi, can you provide the output in the Python console, after launching the script?
specially, what does "print(f'Will send: {send_this}') # Will send: b'WLISt:WAVeform:DATA "deleteme",\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\n'"

do you get errors from AWG5000 or from SYST:ERR, or from Python?

are you located in EMEA region?

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