Hello Tektronix AFG Support.
Please read "source" instead of "media" in Thread Title.
The "media" was part of the directory path, "media/C:Pulse Train 40ns.wfm"
I have just tried to get a screenshot of the splash error message, no joy :((( as I am locked out from doing anything until I hit "OK" in the splashed error message.
All files for the waveform attached, don't laugh It's a very simple pulse train :D
The 40nS refers to the width of the first pulse in the train, which needs to be repeated every 100uS
So I what to load the wfm version, and run in continuous mode with a 100uS repeat.
Every cell in the Excel SS represents a block of time 10nS wide, there are 10000 cell to the complete pulse train. So the pulse train waveform before it repeats lasts for 100uS.
Best Regards