Posted 7 months ago by Rivers, Mark SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE
I would like to know what the Ethernet port on an AFG3251C can be used for.  I have read all of the manuals I can find, and they describe how to configure the Ethernet port, but I cannot find anything about how to use it.

I have successfully set it to DHCP and it is on my network.  When I run nmap I see that the following ports are open:

[gse_admin@corvette ~]$ sudo nmap -sT -p-
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2024-09-05 11:18 CDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.021s latency).
Not shown: 65531 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
23/tcp  open  telnet
111/tcp open  rpcbind
807/tcp open  unknown
810/tcp open  fcp-udp
MAC Address: 08:00:11:1F:9A:06 (Tektronix)

When I telnet to port 23 I get the following login prompt:

[gse_admin@corvette ~]$ telnet 23
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Tek-Vgpp login:

I don't know what the username and password is.  If I were to login what types of things can I do?

Is it possible to use the Ethernet port for SCPI commands?


Posted 7 months ago by Rivers, Mark SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE
I managed to answer my own question.  The AFG3251C supports the VXI-11 protocol on the Ethernet port.

This means that all of the SCPI commands supported for the GPIB port also work on the Ethernet port.  I find it really surprising that there is no mention of this anywhere in the AFG33251C documentation that I can find.  In particular the Programmer's Manual only describes using GPIB, and does not mention that VXI-11 can be used as well.

I have tested with the EPICS control system using the asyn VXI-11 driver.

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