Hello everyone,
I am currently programming my scope using MATLAB software. I am aiming to implement the Average mode to perform averaging on my input signal, utilizing 16 waveforms (equivalent to 16 acquisitions = 16 triggering), and store the resulting waveform in the memory. I intend to interrupt this process with a holdoff of 100 ms and then repeat it. This entire process should be repeated 500 times.
Despite my attempts to program this using Fast Frame, I encountered issues. Below is a snippet of my source code. If anyone can assist me in identifying and resolving the error, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your help
% __________________ Fast Frame ______________________________
fwrite(instrument,'ACQuire:MODe AVErage');
fprintf(instrument,'ACQuire:NUMAVg 16') ;
fprintf(instrument,'HORIZONTAL:FASTFRAME:STATE 1');
fprintf(instrument,'HORizontal:FASTframe:COUNt 500);
fprintf(instrument,'HORizontal:FASTframe:SEQuence FIRst');
fprintf(instrument,'HORizontal:FASTframe:SUMFrame NONe');
% ____________________________ Trigger A ____________________________
fprintf(instrument,'TRIGger:A:MODe NORMal');
fprintf(instrument,'TRIGger:A:EDGE:SOUrce CH1');
fprintf(instrument,'TRIGger:A:EDGE:SLOpe: RISe');
fprintf(instrument,'TRIGger:A:LEVel:CH1 20e-3');
fprintf(instrument,'TRIGger:A:HOLDoff:BY TIMe');
fprintf(instrument,'TRIGger:A:HOLDoff:TIMe 100e-3');