Posted Thu, 15 Jun 2023 09:39:45 GMT by kim, minjae
Hi there.<br> I'm Minjae Kim, a researcher at Pusan National University.<br> <br> I need to make various measurements using the 2450 Sourcemeter in our lab, but there is no built-in script file.<br> <br> I would like to receive the script (tsp file) that should be built-in by default, especially the Cyclic Voltammetry Measurement script.<br> <br> Thanks,<br> <br> Minjae
Posted Fri, 23 Jun 2023 16:41:02 GMT by Odhner, Bradley
The electrochemistry scripts (including cyclic voltammetry) are not available by default for the 2450. They are included with the purchase of the EC-UPGRADE option.

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