Posted Wed, 31 Jul 2024 03:17:13 GMT by ng, emma
Hi guys, i am completely new to Keithley instruments here and I am currently working on a project. I have successfully connected the 2604B source meter with my ACER computer using LAN cable. By right, it should be able to reflect virtual front panel and TSP express just likw what shown below keeps on saying that this content cannot be displayed in frame ? As for the TSP express, it keeps on prompting me to install JRE but the issue here is I have already downloaded JRE.....I am not sure what went wrong here....any advice ?<br> &#160;
Posted Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:48:23 GMT by C, Andrea
TSP Express has been retired and is no longer present in the current firmware release for the 2600B series.
If your present firmware is version 3.x.x something, I'd advise you to install new firmware.  Version 3.4.2 is most current for units presently at any other 3.x level.
Firmware for 2600B Series

The older apps were built on java (Sun/Oracle) and very difficult to make work with any modern browser.

The latest firmware does still offer virtual front panel application, flash upgrade and TSB Embedded (terminal application).

If looking for an application similar to TSP Express for IV curves, take a look at the KickStart IVC (costed) application or check out our github for sample code.
Posted Thu, 01 Aug 2024 05:28:07 GMT by ng, emma
Hello Andrea,

Thanks for the reply. I have took a look on the sample codes as suggested by you, majority of the IV curve codes shows node 1 & node 2 . So erm does that means that it is essential for me to have 2 smu even if my intended purpose is just to do what was listed inside the attachement ? Sorry for all the trouble caused. Thanks a lot.

Posted Fri, 02 Aug 2024 21:54:25 GMT by C, Andrea
In your document, it looks like two different tests were defined.
The 2604B contains two SMU.  You just need some sweeps.

Take a look at KickStart IVC if you don’t want to write code.
Or get our free Test Script Builder or TSP Toolkit.
There are samples with TSB.
Test Script Builder
With these you can execute sweeps and copy/paste data to Excel.
Posted Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:59:57 GMT by ng, emma
Hi, I am extremely sorry for disturbing you again but just to check, once I can see my virtual front panel then i will just need to go to the box under TSP script and copy and paste the codes from test script builder to control the 2 sources right ? 


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