Posted Wed, 22 Feb 2023 17:17:20 GMT by Rozhdestvenskyy, Sergiy

I am trying to set up a test where I am looking for short low current voltage pulses out of the 2461 SourceMeter. To verify the test pulse out of the unit, I have tried to measure the pulse train by connecting the oscilloscope directly to the output of the 2461 (FORCE HI/LO) and through a 1 Mohm resistor. As I increase the voltage set point of the pulse train, the output begins to clip at ~36 V, far short of the target/spec of 105 V. Is there an obvious reason why the output may be clipping at 36 V? I have tried different combinations of pulse widths and duty cycles that all resulted at the same clipping point.

Posted Thu, 23 Feb 2023 01:14:50 GMT by C, Andrea
What is the state of interlock?
If interlock not satisfied, the max voltage is clipped/only a portion of 100V range can be used.

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