Posted 3 months ago by XU, Haiguang
I have a problem with conrtoll my 2651A.
When i use same code to program 2651A as a power source but cause DUT error when current is above 5A.
Please help me to solve the problem. In addition I = 20A works only device is disconnected

smua.reset() \n
smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_ON \n
smua.source.limitp = 200 \n
smua.sense = smua.SENSE_REMOTE \n
smua.source.levelv = %1 \n
smua.source.limiti = %1 \n
v = smua.measure.v() \n
print(v) \n
%1 refers to C++ argument which is V = 10 and I = 5 or I = 20
Posted 3 months ago by C, Andrea
Try setting the source level and source limits before turning the output on.

Keep in mind, when using power limit, the current limit in use will be the lower of the limit.i value or the computed value from source v and requested power limit (watts).

If troubles persist, can you tell us more about the DUT error and the only if device disconnected observations.
Is device accepting power from SMU or is SMU sinking power from DUT?
Posted 3 months ago by XU, Haiguang
I have solve the problem by replacing code with below
smua.reset() \n
smua.source.output = smua.OUTPUT_ON \n
smua.source.limitp = 200 \n
smua.sense = smua.SENSE_REMOTE \n
smua.source.levelv = (%1) \n
smua.source.limiti = (%1 /5) \n
v = smua.measure.v() \n
print(v) \n

wait(50)                 // in m-second

smua.source.levelv = (%1) \n
smua.source.limiti = (%1) \n
v = smua.measure.v() \n
print(v) \n
This method is trying to starting output current from lower value (less than 5A) and then increase to 20A works.

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