Posted Wed, 17 Jul 2024 11:54:04 GMT by Bagshaw, Peter
Hi folks. Trying to save a beautiful 2246A scope. 

No vertical drive which I've tracked down to the vertical drive preamp chip U701 Part number 155-0322-00 (M429).

Tried the usual Tek parts places but no luck. I'm hoping someone might have a parts unit with the chip present. I believe the same chip is used in the 2245.

Also considering jerry rigging something maybe a chip from a later series that performed similar function. Or copy a circuit from another scope.

The chip appears to provide final VO gain with trimmer, beam finder, and bandwidth limits. Possibly reproducible in surface mount if anyone can take some measurements for me?

Would be great to have the original part though.

Thanks in advance.
Posted Wed, 17 Jul 2024 17:37:47 GMT by G, D
For parts units I would look at the following models:


Before you buy a parts unit, confirm the model has the part...  You can verify using the model's service manual.  My list above could be wrong, but that is what I found.  It might also be worth, if you can, pulling the serial number of the parts unit and checking against serial breaks in the Replacement Parts section of the manual.  You might also want to check with the VintageTek museum...  They may have the part, or a parts unit available.

Hope that helps.
Posted Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:15:36 GMT by Bagshaw, Peter
Thank you this is very helpful. I will check the models you suggested and the museum.

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