• Where can I find the file-format for the .sogram spectrogram data file XAML elements?

    Hi all!

    I am trying to save Spectrogram trace data, trace by trace, into my own .sogram data files.  As part of this, I have been trying to figure out the formatting for the various XAML elements in the .sogram file.

    In particular, I cannot figure out the source / formatting / units for the following XAML elements:


    What SPCI commands from the SignalVu programming interface do I use to get the information needed to calculate these values?  What time(?) units are these values in?  How do I calculate these values?

    For the following elements, I think I have the format, but need to confirm.
    For the <TS> and <EarliestTS>, <LatestTS> elements, the time format appears to be in seconds since Jan 1, 1 CE (a.k.a. 1 AD) at 00:00 in the local time zone.  I'd like to confirm this.

    For the <Data> element, is the format just the hexadecimal string designation for the binary values returned by the "FETCH:SGRam?" SCPI command from the Signal-VU PI?

    Finally, I do not understand the purpose of the <Valid> and <MultRecs> elements in the file.  Should I just defaults these to true and false, respectively?

    Thank you,