• 2604B emulated mode does not execute 2400 command

    In our setup, a Keithley 2400 is used at the moment. To perform the measurement along aide with 2500, we use a series of commands which are found in the attached text file.
    I have gathered all these commands from different LabVIEW modules in our software. The order is according to the flow of the code.

    We want to upgrade the setup to support higher currents so we bought a 2604B a few weeks ago. I have followed the online instruction on how to run the emulation mode on 2604B to support 2400 commands and it is doing fine.

    However, while trying to run the existing commands on the device, as soon as the code gets to line 76 (INIT), I get the error -286. Then Keithley is kicked out of emulated mode.

    I have checked the compatibility of the commands with 2604B and apart from some "partially compatible" the commands seems to be supported.

    I appreciate it if anyone can help me with this issue.
