What is the appropriate SCPI command to display a digital channel on the scope waveform front panel?
I currently have a MSO58B model oscilloscope I am using to automate a test setup. I am using pyvisa and an NI-VISA driver. So far this has worked well. I have a digital logic probe, TLP058 plugged into channel 7 of this oscilloscope. I am attempting to automate the configuration of this digital channel. I am struggling to get the digital channel to appear on the display. I can manually get this channel to appear by simply pressing on the "7" button at the bottom of the waveform display on the oscope. I would like to issue a SCPI command to do the same.
Typically I can cause an analog channel waveform to display by issuing the following commands.
- rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
- scope = rm.open_resource('USB0::0x0699::0x0522::B027853::INSTR')
- scope.write('*RST')
- scope.write('select:ch3 on')
After these commands execute, I can see the channel appear on the waveform display, and the channel configuration appears at the bottom of the screen.
When I execute the same commands on a channel with my digital logic probe (TLP058) inserted, the channel does not appear, nothing appears to happen.
- rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
- scope = rm.open_resource('USB0::0x0699::0x0522::B027853::INSTR')
- scope.write('*RST')
- scope.write('select:ch7 on') # Channel with TLP058 digital logic probe
- print(scope.query('select:ch7?)) # Prints 0, indicating the channel is not "on"
What is the appropriate set of SCPI commands to cause a digital channel to appear on the waveform display? I can find no relevant command on the programmers manual.