Draw Eye diagram and set MASK with python(SCPI)
Hi Sir,
I hope to auto draw eye diagram and auto set the mask ON/OFF with python script:
self.scope.write('PLOT:PLOT1:TYPe EYEDIAGRAM') # 1
self.scope.write('EYEMASK:MASK1:ENAbled ON') #2
self.scope.write('EYEMASK:MASK1:MASKfile "/C:/Users/Public/Tektronix/user.mask"') #3
My question is :
1. #1 script will be OK to add eye diagram in plot1
2. when I used #2 to open a mask test on(pls see the attached pic1 highlight) I met:
(1) if I manual add eye diagram and set Mask Test ON through touch the scope screen, #2 script can auto to set Mask test ON or OFF (It seems that I manual set Mask Test on firstly will trigger some register. The scope will remember this state and #2 will work well unless I del eye height)
(2)if I use the script to auto add eye diagram and Mask(plot 1 ), #2 script can do auto set Mask test ON. the result pls see the PiC 2
I checked the program manual and find the below SCPI and I tried all of them ,it still did not work .
1.self.scope.write('PLOT:PLOT1:TEST:STATE OFF/ON')
2.self.scope.write('MASK:MASK1:TEST:STATE ON/OFF')
can you pls help to tell me how to fix this issues? -
RE: MSO58B Program issues (can not change Reference Level--Set Level in absolute) with python
Hi Teles,
I am OK now.
Firslty ,I should send' MEASU:MEAS? GLOBAl ref 0' to enalbe, then ('MEASUREMENT:CH2:REFLEVELS:METHOD ABSOLUTE') will be work
thanks -
RE: MSO58B Program issues (can not change Reference Level--Set Level in absolute) with python
Hi Teles,
Thanks for your advice.
I already 'MEASU:MEAS1:REFL:METHOD absolute'. It still do not work in MSO58.
this command can work in DPO75902SX.
Can you pls give more advice or tell me who is the right man for SCPI. I will send the email to him
thanks -
MSO58B Program issues (can not change Reference Level--Set Level in absolute) with python
I use USB cable to control MSO58B (software ver: through pyvisa. Here is my code:
I checked the Meas1-->Reference Levels-->Set Levels in . It still show '%'. I checked the program mannual of MSO5B and can not get more information.
who can help to tell me how to change Meas1-->Reference Levels-->Set Levels in -->Absolute ?