• RE: How to Fetch Bus Decode Results

    After a lot of searching, I've discovered a technique that works, but is awfully clunky. 

    with a thumb drive in the scope:
    SAVE:EVENT:BUS1 "e:\\decode.csv"
    -wait for a bit for the file to be generated
    FILESystem:READfile "e:\\decode.csv"
    -read the raw data back and decode
    FILESystem:DELEte "e:\\decode.csv"
    - to get ready for the next one
  • RE: How to Fetch Bus Decode Results

    Upon more investigation, one technique is to save the event table to media. I can successfully save the event table via the front panel, but when I try with:
    SAVe:EVENTtable:BUS <QString> I get nothing but a timeout.
    I've tried different iterations such as SAV:EVENT:BUS1, SAVE.EVENT:B1, SAV:EVENT:BUS1 "asdf.csv" but they all end in a timetout
  • How to Fetch Bus Decode Results

    I am taking some analog measurements in conjunction with asynchronous serial data using a 3 series MDO. How can I programmatically retrieve the bus decode results table? I'm able to use MEASU:MEASX:VAL? command for the analog measurements, but am unable to find in the documentation an equivalent means to fetch the hex bytes.