Hi Hernani,
No, the 2-series does not have a direct printing option. You can save to a flash drive and print the .png from there.
It might also be easier to write a script or use
Tekscope Utility, if you have USB or Ethernet connection to your PC.
You can directly save scope images to your PC and print from there.
Hi Sowmya,
You can read an image file but in order to decode it on the PC side, you'll still need some kind of script because FILESYSTEM:READFILE sends the raw data-- it's not going to just automatically show a .png in the Talker/Listener terminal.
If you want a program that can do that, I would recommend Tekscope Utility: https://forum.tek.com/viewtopic.php?t=140382
Hi Ramesh,
You can save the screenshot, you just need to send a scope.read_raw() after the FILESYSTEM:READFILE command because it sends binary data to the PC.
Iris Xu
Hi Sowmya,
You also have to read the raw data after the FILESYSTEM:READFILE command.
I've edited Afonso's python script he previously posted for the 6-series for the TBS2000B.
1) Replace the VISA resource address with your scope's.
2) You should be able to find the .png saved under "TBS2000B_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.png" after running this script (or feel free to change it so it doesn't generate a file name based on date/time.)
The HARDcopy commands aren't supported by the TBS2000B. SAVe:IMAge:FILEFormat is for the SAVe:IMAge command.
Other scopes like the TDS2k, TPS2k support the hardcopy command group, including HARDCopy:FORMat.
As a workaround I recommend saving to a USB with SAVE:IMAge "string" and using the FILESystem:READFile "string" command.
Hi Om,
If you have the .lic file on your USB, you can install it by going to Help-->About-->Install license.
Hi Om,
The MSO64B is also supported by TekVISA. I was able to connect to our 6-series B model with TekVISA.
Are you getting stuck in the installation process? You may also need to change Search Criteria depending on how your scope is connected to your PC/network.
Also please make sure you format the file with
It will not automatically recognize .png/.bmp/.jpg while saving.
Hi Sowmya,
I checked today with TekVISA Openchoice Talker/Listener and the syntax for SAVE:IMAGE is actually WITHOUT the usb0 in the filepath. So the command you would send is:
SAVe:IMAGe "eval.jpg"
I will send the edit along to the manuals team so it's correctly documented in the programming manual.
If you're using .NET drivers, you will need NI-VISA.
Hi Nicolaus,
Trigger Menu-->Act on Trigger-->Save configuration should allow you to change the waveform files from internal (.wfm) to either .csv or .mat formatting.
You can also check this by adding the SCPI command to your script:
And changing it to either INTERNAL or SPREADSheet
You could also look into the CURVEStream? or CURVE? command to get continuous data from the scope.