Posted Wed, 25 Oct 2023 07:17:42 GMT by Li, Jeremy
We found no matter we chose PNG or BMP for the hardcopy command. the transferred picture always seems to be BMP files.
I also try to update the firmware to the newest version. it is always the same.
the size for both of them are 1.1MB. just the file names are different. When openning the *.png file with photoshop, it could not be recognized.
could it be resolved soon? 
Posted Wed, 25 Oct 2023 07:20:41 GMT by Li, Jeremy
It is mostly due to the file size.  we don't expect to transfer the format once again due to the special time requirement.
Posted Wed, 25 Oct 2023 23:07:04 GMT by Teles, Afonso
Hi Jeremy,

The image format has to be set with the SAVe:IMAge:FILEFormat command before transferring the image, as described on the programmer's manual.
Posted Thu, 26 Oct 2023 00:36:00 GMT by Li, Jeremy
Hi Afonso,
We did set the format to the right one and got the *.png file, but the fact is that it is not a real picture with the format of PNG.  it is a BMP file just seemed to be modified the extention name to PNG.  The size of PNG file should not be about 1.1MB.
Posted Tue, 31 Oct 2023 17:11:57 GMT by Xu, Iris
The HARDcopy commands aren't supported by the TBS2000B. SAVe:IMAge:FILEFormat is for the SAVe:IMAge command. 
Other scopes like the TDS2k, TPS2k support the hardcopy command group, including HARDCopy:FORMat.
As a workaround I recommend saving to a USB with SAVE:IMAge "string" and using the FILESystem:READFile "string" command.
Posted Thu, 02 Nov 2023 09:04:09 GMT by Li, Jeremy

Hello Iris,

But HARDcopy commands work for transferring picture with the format of BMP. Usually we use this command is because we don't want an addtional USB device. It is ok for me to use SAVE:IMAge commnads on MSO2,4,5,6 series.

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